It’s becoming the definition of modern men and women that in order to seem successful, they have to be productive during all of the day, handling deadlines, that they even bring work home. Sure, being successful is no easy thing, but every once in a while you just want to give your body and soul some relaxation without dreading the next day full of tasks to complete. When you leave no time for letting your mind wander off to wherever it wants to, you’re calling for trouble as stress starts accumulating. As Hollywood diva Elizabeth Taylor once said it, “Pour yourself a drink, put on some lipstick and pull yourself together”, you can use a glass of your favourite drink to relax along with trying out some other alternatives.

You don’t have to wait for special occasions or parties to enjoy a glass or two of a fine drink (even doctors recommend a glass of wine a day). Instead of going out to get that drink, you can use up some space in your home to create your drink corner. Those who have their own bars at home know how much of an oasis it turns the whole place into, just imagine getting back from an exhausting day at work, looking up recipes for cocktails and immediately feeling a sense of calmness as you do the mixing.
As we know, bars are crowded spots, and having one is your chance of bonding with your family and friends, leaving them in awe with your bartending skills. So you’ve started with the preparations, found the perfect cabinet sets and bar stools, acquired some fancy bottles and glasses but something’s still missing: accessories. Maybe yours isn’t a professional one in the likes of those at restaurants and night clubs, but accessories can really bring life into your bar. You will easily find all kinds of accessories bar needs, and the best thing is with shopping online – you get to compare different products and have them delivered to you.

You will notice a change in your vocabulary as well when you begin to upgrade it with words like jiggers and muddlers, and learn more about bottle stands, carts, ice crushers, mixers and varieties of accessories bar can have. Mixing has its own philosophy and bartenders will tell you one of the basic tools there are are jiggers. Sometimes a drink is perfect until you add more portions of another ingredient and ruin it. Jiggers can help you measure up accurately and create the ideal blend of drinks. Certain blends simple can’t do without the flavour of herbs and fruits, and you can extract oils and juices with style with the use of a muddler.
Once you’ve supplied yourself with all the needed accessories, make sure you also find some cocktail books with exciting recipes to try out and surprise your guests. It will leave them coming back for more with stories to tell about how special your bar is.
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