The Nissan Navara D40 is one of the most refined and comfortable pickups money can buy, and Nissan keeps raising the bar with every new model they release. It employs a powerful engine while keeping car-like suspension, making it one of the most potent and fuel-efficient pickups available in Australia. It’s not as expensive as the HiLux or Ranger, yet it’s very reliable both on and off the road.

However, what many owners don’t know is that even though they have one of the most powerful engines under the hood, some of the power is constricted by their exhaust system, which is why many owners are looking to get a Navara D40 exhaust upgrade. But that’s not exclusively a Navara 40 thing. In fact, most, if not all, pickups sport exhaust systems which don’t make the most out of their engine, simply because manufacturers are looking to cut costs wherever they can, and they use lower-grade materials to manufacture the exhaust system. Mild steel is one of the most commonly used materials for manufacturing stock exhaust, whereas aftermarket exhaust systems are made using aluminised and stainless steel.
Both aluminised and stainless steel are high-grade metals which are incredibly durable and strong. Furthermore, they have features that are important for exhaust systems – they are rust, corrosion and water-resistant. Aluminised steel is the more affordable option out of the two, since it’s less durable than stainless steel. However, as a result, it’s more lightweight which further improves the vehicle’s performance. Stainless steel, on the other hand, can either be T304 or T409. T304 has a shiny chrome-like look and is the superior type for driving in harsh conditions, while T409 is cheaper and is ideal for driving in dry environments.
On top of that, getting a Navara D40 exhaust upgrade gives you better fuel economy, and more horsepower and throttle. These benefits are a result of the mandrel bent pipes that aftermarket exhausts have, which reduce the flow restriction of gases inside the exhaust system. In other words, clean air reaches the engine in larger amounts while toxic emissions leave the exhaust system faster at the same time. Besides mandrel bends, aftermarket exhaust pipes are generally wider in diameter which further helps improve performance and fuel economy.
With that said, aftermarket exhaust systems are the best way to get the most out of your engine. They’re affordable, and in most cases, they’re a one-time-purchase. Aluminised and stainless steel exhaust systems are likely to outlast your car, and they’ll definitely prolong your engine’s life.
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