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The Story of How Lamps Turned a Girl into a Fan of Online Shopping

Home & Garden

The Story of How Lamps Turned a Girl into a Fan of Online Shopping

No matter how much life is pushing us ahead, showing us we can’t always have it all under control or predict situations, I used to be one of those who never accepted changes easily. Where can we best see the example of fast-paced changes take over? Technology, of course. As much as I was seeing technological advancements simplify people’s lives, I hadn’t intended on letting my life depend on trends and the only trend I had followed was using a PC for playing games. I was surprised to see how fast everyone around me adapted to such modern living, including my parents who became addicts of electronics and apps, and yet even though they were all saying I was old-fashioned, I still wasn’t giving in to the technological changes.

Days and months went by for me to finally be persuaded to get myself a laptop. Since I have created a lifestyle for me that allows me to spend less, by not being a slave to trends, I hadn’t planned on replacing the old PC that’s been in my family for years, but as it reached the point of no repair, it was high time I gave in to technology. As a supporter of staying in contact over letters and greeting cards via the good old mail you can guess I was also a supporter of shopping at local shops, regardless of how busy my day to day life was. That’s why I didn’t think online shopping would ever become my favourite way until I spent almost half a day looking for the proper light fitting.

After it all turned out to be in vain, a cousin of mine suggested I give the internet a try and look for chandeliers and lamps online. I had to hide my happiness as soon as I did the online search because then I’d have had to admit they were right in calling me old-fashioned all along, and acknowledge exactly how much time of my life was lost just being persistent with not letting changes be a part of me. The world of lamps online is vast, with different styles, sizes, shapes and colours, all this in convenient prices as well. I felt like a child let in a toy shop, not knowing what to choose because everything my eyes laid on could perfectly fit in with my interior décor.

I decided to give my home a light fittings makeover and treat myself with a new lamp for every room, a lovely eco energy saving clamp for my study room desk, elegant table lamps for my hallway side tables, a modern floor lamp for my living room and bedroom, and pipe table lamp for the dining table. Once the delivery was complete and the lamps got incorporated in the interior, no one could believe how these light fittings convinced me to try online shopping. It was the gateway to easy shopping and I haven’t changed to my old habits ever since. And that’s the story of how I started following tech trends. Have you got anything similar to share with me? Surely I can’t have been the only old-fashioned shopper.

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