Third molars or popularly known as “wisdom teeth” are the third and last molars that come out on each side of the upper and lower jaws. However, it’s a commonly known fact that wisdom teeth are almost always extracted because their eruption can lead to sharp toothache, headaches, limitation in mouth opening, swelling at the back of the jaw, bad breath etc. But getting wisdom teeth removed is a pretty common procedure, so there’s no need to worry too much about it.
As your molars make their way through your gums, your wisdom teeth removal Melbourne specialist will monitor your mouth for the following signs:
- Wisdom teeth that don’t have enough room to come through;
- Wisdom teeth that are coming out or have already come out improperly;
- Wisdom teeth that have come through partially and are causing swelling, pain and stiffness in the jaw;
- Wisdom teeth that have erupted with some kind of infection or decay.
If you experience at least one of these signs, any professional and quality wisdom teeth removal Melbourne team will recommend you an extraction. And although every patient and every tooth is unique, if you show some of the signs above, your infected molars may need to be removed as soon as possible. If you however want to keep them, you should monitor them at least once in two months, because the potential for developing some discomfort, pain or other problems later on still exists. Besides regular visits to the dentist’s office, this also means proper flossing and using only high-quality oral hygiene products.

If on the other hand you decide to go with the surgery, you should get ready for a few uncomfortable side effects in the first few days after the surgery, since during the process of the extraction the infected area will be under anesthesia and you won’t feel a thing. Your dentist will recommend you to rest and keep yourself hydrated once the wisdom tooth is out, however you should be very careful with really hot and really cold beverages. Avoid consuming coffee, tea and alcohol during the first week after the surgery and make sure you take in lots of vitamins that aid you the healing process.
Don’t be scared if you note some swelling on the affected area, because that’s a totally normal result of wisdom tooth removal. You can minimize it by applying a pack of ice on the outside of your mouth for a few minutes a day. Additionally, your dentist will prescribe you some pills that could include pain medications and antibiotics for a safer and quicker recovery.
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