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Yuzu Fruit Juice: Freshen Up Your Kitchen with the Taste of Japan

Food & Drink

Yuzu Fruit Juice: Freshen Up Your Kitchen with the Taste of Japan

If you’re a fan of Japanese cuisine, you’ve probably heard of yuzu by now. If you’ve had ponzu sauce before, you can say you’ve tried it already. And if you’re a foodie who likes to try new flavours, it’s about time to add it to your list. 

Yuzu is a small, bumpy, hybrid yellow citrus with a tart, sour flavour, and a strong scent, and tastes like a combo of lemon and grapefruit. It shows up in various culinary uses in the Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures and has been getting a lot of buzz lately.

Though it’s been popular in East Asian cuisine for hundreds of years, it’s starting to catch on in Australia, too. You might’ve encountered it on the menu at a Japanese restaurant, but if you want to try it in your own kitchen, then you should know that it can be difficult to find fresh fruit. The good news is you can order yuzu fruit juice online which is a good starting point for cooking with yuzu at home. 

How Is It Used?

3 yuzu juice

Thanks to its similarity to lemon juice and other citrus, it can be used in just about any recipe that calls for lemon juice, no matter whether it’s sweet or savoury. Often just a splash can be enough. Yuzu’s flavour is a bit more complex than traditional lemons and has distinct floral and herbal notes in addition to acidity. 

Its flavour can be characterised as too strong to eat on its own, like limes and lemons, but when flavouring sauces, desserts, or beverages, it’s delicious. Yuzu fruit juice is a fantastic addition to cocktails and mocktails as well. Get creative and swap it for lemon juice in a classic sour cocktail, mix it with tonic water, or make a combination of yuzu juice and honey called yuzu hachimitsu, to be used in tea.

Also, you can make yuzu vinegar, a combination of rice vinegar and yuzu juice. You can use it to add complex acidity to any dish where you’d typically use vinegar, like salad dressings, marinades, and more. The juice is great for protein pairings, too, so you can try it with beef, chicken, fish, or seafood like salmon, shrimp, or tuna. 

For side dishes and veggies, you can pair it with onions, mushrooms, carrots, salad greens or lettuce. For fruit combos or sweet dishes, try it with ginger, mango, caramel and more. Finally, the ideal way is to use it the way you enjoy it the most. Think about the types of recipes and dishes you’re already making and if lemon juice would work in them, then why not try yuzu fruit juice? 

Nutritional Benefits

Just like other citrus fruits, yuzu is a good source of vitamin C. No matter which part of the fruit you’re consuming, from its peel to the flesh, seeds and juice, they all contain vitamin C. Having this vitamin in a meal can support a healthy immune system and maintain better overall health. The vitamin C in use is important for producing collagen found in bones, therefore, it may promote strong bones and support bone health.

It’s full of antioxidants, which is another reason why this fruit is good for the immune system. Consuming antioxidant-rich food is a great way to protect our cells against free radicals, which damage the cells and are associated with many diseases. 

Wondering if consuming yuzu may have any side effects? Well, as with other citrus fruits, for most people, eating yuzu is safe. However, as with any food you’re trying for the first time, it’s recommendable to consume a small amount at first, to make sure your body doesn’t react negatively to it. If you’re prone to heartburn, then yuzu may not be the fruit for you.


Keep fresh yuzu on the kitchen counter at room temperature, but if you don’t plan on using them right away, keep them in the pantry, in a cool and dry place or in the fridge, where they can stay for a few weeks. Just keep in mind that the fruit may lose its powerful aroma after a few days of refrigeration. When it comes to the juice, you can keep it in the fridge or frozen. 

Final Thoughts

Apart from its unique flavour, yuzu is also sought after for its aromatic properties. In the Japanese culture, there is a tradition of bathing with the fruit during the winter solstice (yuzuyu). It’s believed to soothe dry skin and guard against seasonal colds. You can find yuzu essential oil added to candles, household cleaning supplies and bath salts, and treat your senses to a memorable, refreshing experience. 

There are many different ways to introduce yuzu to your everyday life. It can be a hard-to-find option, but if you want to elevate your pantry with more than just basic Japanese staples, buy yuzu juice. You can never know, you may fall for yuzu so much and grow one in your home garden one day.

And beware! Falling in love with Japanese cuisine can be a slow yet beautiful process, so you may find yourself implementing their impeccable organisation techniques in your cooking space. Look for Japanese kitchen knives and get hooked on exploring flavourful recipes from the Land of the Rising Sun. 

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